About us
The Office for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is part of the Teaching and Learning Support Centre of the University of Warsaw which is made up of the university-wide administration units in the division of the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching. The Office was established by means of merging several existing organisational units of the University, i.e.: The Office for Program ZIP and Teaching and Learning Innovations, the Office of Teaching and Learning Quality, the Office for Bologna Process and Foreign Language Provision, and the Teaching and Learning Quality Evaluation Lab. The Office for Innovation in Teaching and Learning also took over the tasks of the former Office for Student Affairs for matters relating to the design of study programmes at all levels of academic education, and the former Office of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies for matters relating to doctoral studies and postgraduate education.
The objective of the Office for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is to improve the planning process regarding the teaching offer and the assessment of teaching quality, as well as to provide support to all teaching units at the University of Warsaw in this respect. The Office provides a platform for the development of a network of those involved in initiatives on teaching excellence.

The Office for Innovation in Teaching and Learning undertakes in particular to:
- provide substantive support to the University organisational units in the preparation of draft study programmes for the first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies, postgraduate studies, as well as to monitor compliance with the legal requirements in this area;
- participate in planning the organisation of the teaching and learning process at the University and support collegiate entities involved in university teaching i.e.: the University Council for Teaching and Learning, the Senate Committee for Students, Doctoral Students and Teaching and Learning, the Coordinating Council for the Certification of Language Proficiency and the Rector’s Deputy for Quality of Teaching and Learning, the Rector’s Deputy for Teacher Education, the Rector’s Deputy for Organising Foreign Language Provision, and the Coordinator of the University System of Foreign Language Provision;
- coordinate activities related to the quality of teaching and learning, including providing support to organisational units of the University in preparatory work related to visits of the Polish Accreditation Committee;
- coordinate and implement activities related to the assessment of the quality of teaching and learning, including:
– supervising the operation of the teaching evaluation survey system,
– drafting reports on university-wide surveys regarding the evaluation of teaching quality,
– providing support for the Admissions Office in drafting reports based on surveys assessing the admission process,
– assisting the Academic Careers Office in drafting reports from studies concerning the monitoring of graduates’ careers,
– disseminating research findings regarding the teaching quality and promoting good practice in the assessment of teaching quality; - coordinate university-wide teaching offer, including language teaching;
- coordinate activities in the training of future teachers and supports the comprehensive didactic development of teaching staff in primary and secondary schools, including issues related to study programmes, the organisation of teacher preparation training and the professional entitlements of the University of Warsaw graduates;
- design and implement innovative projects for the improvement of teaching, including the organisation of meetings and workshops on issues related to the quality of teaching and learning;
- manage university-wide programmes for the development of teaching and learning, including the Programme of integrated activities for the development of the University of Warsaw (ZIP), selected tasks under the “Excellence initiative – research university” programme (IDUB) selected tasks under the 4EU+ Alliance and manage the University Teaching Excellence Fund and the University of Warsaw Rector’s Teaching Award;
- support the Integrated Information System for Higher Education and Science POL-on with regard to launching fields of study and participate in the implementation of initiatives to develop information systems to support teaching and learning process.